Building a Healthy Mississippi

Mississippi continues to make progress toward a healthier future, and the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation is facilitating this progress by providing the resources, funding and leadership needed to continue in our commitment to a healthier Mississippi.

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation is proud to have provided grant funding to these organizations:

Building Healthy Communities

Healthy Hometown Awards Program

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation recognized two cities as 2023 Healthy Hometown Award winners. The cities of Baldwyn and Wesson both earned the title “Healthy Hometown” in recognition of exemplary community health and wellness. Each will receive a grant award from the Foundation to assist in continued efforts to ensure their respective communities are healthy places to live, work and play.

Farmers' Markets

Increasing access to healthy nutrition, the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation provides support to cities seeking to start a farmers’ market or expand an existing farmers’ market. The Foundation awarded grants to the cities of Iuka and Nettleton to start a farmers’ market in their respective communities where farmers can sell fresh, local produce and serve as food educators, connecting residents to their food system.

Healthy Heroes Program

In 2023, the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation provided grant funding for the Healthy Heroes Program in two municipalities, Eupora and Ocean Springs, bringing the total number of program participants to 30 cities. “Healthy Heroes” make monthly visits to K-5 schools teaching healthy nutrition lessons, leading physical fitness activities and holding community walks for students, parents, school personnel and neighborhood residents. The Healthy Heroes Program is approved by the Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Healthy Schools and health and wellness experts at Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi. For a city’s willingness to participate in the Healthy Heroes Program, the Foundation provides grant funds to enhance public health and wellness by promoting healthy eating and exercise.

The University of Southern Mississippi Foundation

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation awarded a generous grant to The University of Southern Mississippi Foundation to fund an inclusive outdoor classroom and playground at The Children’s Center for Communication and Development, located on USM’s Hattiesburg campus. The outdoor classroom and playground serves as therapy space to help children with complex disabilities achieve healthy milestones.

University and College Tobacco-Free Policies Strengthened

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation is providing ongoing support to Mississippi’s universities and colleges by encouraging strengthened tobacco-free policies that align with the Model Policy for a Smoke-free College/University as published by the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation (ANRF). Grant funds are provided for support of general health and wellness at the university or college, excluding support of athletic teams. East Central Community College and Northwest Mississippi Community College both received grants from the Foundation in 2023 to strengthen their campus tobacco-free policies.

Building Healthy Schools

Healthy School Awards Program

Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton was named by the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation as the 2023 Healthy School Award winner. The school earned the title “Healthy School” in recognition of implementing exemplary school health and wellness initiatives and programs. Itawamba Agricultural High School received a grant award from the Foundation to support ongoing efforts to create and sustain a healthy school environment.

Building Healthy Schools | Playgrounds

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation gifted new state-of-the-art playgrounds to elementary schools across the state. Schools selected to receive a playground either did not have a playground, or had an aged playground in disrepair. Each of the inclusive playgrounds include turf safety surfacing, shading systems and 24 pieces of play equipment. Studies show creating environments for children to experience unstructured play supports their physical health and increases their chances of succeeding in the classroom. Teacher education curriculum was also provided. The evidence-based curriculum was created as a best practice guide for promoting overall fitness and fun through the use of outdoor play and aligned with national physical education standards. Schools awarded playgrounds by the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation in 2023 include:

Physical Education Conferences

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation hosted four Project Fit America Physical Education Conferences bringing together physical education teachers from elementary and middle schools around the state. The teachers participated in educational sessions and shared best practices for engaging students and making P.E. classes both exciting and effective. Provided with Foundation grant funds, participants received hands-on education with Project Fit America trainers, including indoor physical fitness equipment and curricula to enhance their schools’ P.E. programs. The physical fitness equipment included weighted hoops, stability balls, heavy ropes and more along with corresponding curricula designed to help P.E. teachers find imaginative and innovative ways to get students moving.

School Garden Program

The Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation is working to educate and empower students in grades K-12 to make healthy food choices by funding sustainable edible school gardens. The Foundation’s School Garden Program is designed to fully integrate into the fabric of participating schools and the academic experience of every student by putting nutritious food at their fingertips. Schools awarded grants for school gardens in 2023 include: